IMPORTANT: The Dynamic Row can only be added to a site post proof, if indicated on the questionnaire for initial build do not add to website. Add an assumption.
In the side panel of the editor, click Pages, locate hidden Build Team Tools, and open the Dynamic Row page.
Identify the Dynamic Row design that best meets provided client content and time period.
Overwrite text with provided questionnaire content using title case.
IMPORTANT: The Dynamic Row must include a defined specific period of time. If included Time / date / Duration for offer to display does not meet requirement do not add Dynamic Row and leave assumption that instructions were incomplete.
Note: If applicable, replace phone with RCF.
Hint: The writer is permitted to edit and rewrite copy to better the overall user experience. Approach writing Dynamic Row copy as if it were a callout.
When finished exit Dynamic Row page to continue writing site copy.
Select Edit, then Edit Trigger
Select Time trigger, then Continue editing
Update Event Details to match client-defined Time Period
In the side panel of the editor, click Pages, locate hidden Build Team Tools, and open the dynamic Row page.
Identify the Dynamic Row that the copywriter edited.
Hover over the content to reveal the blue Inner Row prompt.
Right-click Inner Row and copy.
Return to Personalize --> Dynamic Row rule --> Edit --> Edit trigger
Click the orange Continue editing button twice to edit the dynamic row in the editor. You may need to scroll up to reveal the red row.
Hover over the Paste Dynamic Row Design to paste the copied Dynamic Row design (Step 9).
Delete Paste Dynamic Row Design place holder container.
Click far left ROW--> Edit Design to apply background color / gradient.
Update icon(s) or image(s).
Update CTA button or text.
Review in mobile. Adjust accordingly.
Click DONE when finished editing.